It all started by our Toddlers filling up a pompom jar as to reinforce positive behaviour in the room; encouraging the toddler to follow the toddler values:
• Kind Hands,
• Indoor Voice,
• Listening Ears, and
• Walking Feet.
Whenever the toddlers did something positive, they got to put a pompom in the jar! When the jar was full, they got to choose a treat!
And…. They picked to see a fire engine!
This afternoon has been absolutely AMAZING, as not only toddlers, but all the children from the nursery had the opportunity to experience sitting in the fire engine, using the hoes, wearing the helmet and talk about safety!
This unique experience offered a glimpse into a world they do not often see, building their curiosity and cultural capital. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you to our heroes for making this day unforgettable