Food and nutrition is important to us and we know that a healthy balanced diet is essential to your child’s growth and development. We offer 3 meals throughout the day plus and a mid-morning and afternoon snack, all the energy your child will need to be active and engaged throughout their day of learning. Meal times are also a learning experience entirely, from the fine motor development of using knives and forks, to awareness of good manners and politeness. Meal times are fun for all and a great opportunity for nursery practitioners to bond with your child. They are sociable learning opportunities, where we teach children about good manners, different foods and how to feed themselves independently.
Our menus have been devised by a nutritionist and aim to provide fresh balanced meals to all children at each meal or snack time. We also cater for specific dietary requirements.
If you are in search of any advice regarding pediatric nutrition we recommend the website Early Years Nutrition Partnership. Click the image below to access some great information, resources and expert knowledge on a range of topics around early years nutrition.
The most important meal of the day! Breakfast is served in the morning and will be cereals (non-sugared) or fruit porridge. A selection of milk alternatives are available, and fresh fruit such as banana and berries are available to mix up the porridge!
Mid-morning/Afternoon snack
Here a selection of fresh fruits or vegetable sticks are served to give your children a healthy boost. We also offer a healthy carby snack such as crackers, breadsticks or oatcakes to give them the energy they need after waking up from a nap. A choice of milk or water will also be served.
The Lunch and Dinner menus offer two hot meals every day, with each day carefully crafted to provide a balance of the recommended food groups in your child’s diet. The recipe for each dish is carefully conceived to encourage a diverse palette of tastes, whilst teaching about the different food groups, origins of ingredients and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Our Menus are devised with the help of a nutritionist to ensure that they contain a healthy balance of all the vitamins and nutrients, which help aid healthy growth and development in young children. For guidance on portion sizes for young children the Food Standards Agencies “Eat Well Plate” is a good guide for parents.
Children’s Cooking Counter
Our Children’s Cooking Counter offers an open plan kitchen facility, where children can observe the nursery chef making all their lovely food. It offers a great learning opportunity for children to learn about different ingredients, food groups and recipes and to work collaboratively with our chef to create some wonderful culinary delights!
Example Weekly Menus

Green – Fruit & Vegetables
Yellow – Breads, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta & Grains
Blue – Milk & Dairy
Purple – Sweets and Healthy Fatty Foods
Pink – Meat, Fish, Eggs & Beans