We had some exciting celebrations at MPA, dressing up in colourful clothes and filling the day with plenty of fun learning activities for our children.
We enjoyed face painting, pretending to be butterflies, bunnies, cats and lions. Our toddlers celebrated the festivities of Carnival with a party, making our own pop-corn with yellow paint and cotton wool, and creating play dough making some yummy ice cream. As part of our toddler room fun fare, the children were also engaged in a ‘Tower of Cups’ game, developing their physical skills and turn taking whilst having lots of fun.

During our Carnival celebrations, the babies enjoyed a colourful flower themed sensory tray, participating in pretend play and exploring the colourful materials with all their senses.

Our Pre-schoolers were engaged in some carnival themed Arts and Crafts provocations and developed their creativity making some unique artworks using a range of arts resources.