Zoolab Visit

Our friends from Zoolab came and visit us again last week. It was another great session, we learnt so many new things about different animals and insects. The children were all so engaged…. The pictures, actually, talk for themselves.

Our Ranger Kai came with his own “animal team”, they all live with him in his beautiful house (cool, right?). He introduced us to Sissy the Giant African snail,
Venus the tarantula, Legs the millipedes, Bill the gerbil, Ruben the snake.
We were not scared at all and with our listening ears on we learnt about how tarantulas like to live a solitary live in small underground burrows; how the giant African snails can actually survive several months or even a few years without any food; although the name millipedes means “thousand-feet” certain species only have 300-400 feet.

These and other interesting facts were the highlight of the visit. We touched, looked, and held them as well, and after that we had a proper hand wash…health and safety always a paramount.

We look forward to the next visit, to meet new animals and learn more about their lives.